Tuesday, 28 January 2014


More ideas are coming in, designs are being made, fabric choices are being considered..

Monday, 27 January 2014


...is the name that we decided on. It goes with our whole idea and sounds very good.
Here are some logo ideas that the graphics team have created.

Friday, 17 January 2014


Today we had a group meeting to get our ideas together. It was very interesting to see what
we all have in mind and try to somehow make all of them work together to create an amazing collection.
The design and graphics team are already designing and working on the prints for our 'brand'.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


What a successful start to this amazing project! Today we decided on our favourite concept
boards and how they can work together. You can get some ideas from just looking at them. 
You will see what we have in mind, what's coming up, our process, struggles and the happy times 
on this blog throughout the weeks. We are very excited to get started and take you along
our journey.